I'm certainly not getting time to do any writing from the cubicle! Since coming back from vacation, and since the .gov's fiscal year runs out in just 2 months, I've been busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger. Really. Its multiple sets of charts to be accomplished and coordinated and answers to gather from the contracting office, the configuration management office and the finance office before I can brief my charts and get the permissions needed to go forward.
We did get the BSU's passport ordered yesterday afternoon, paying the expedite fee with the hope of the passport being here in time for our cruise, late in October. Of course the .gov drone assured us that it would arrive in plenty of time…
Saw the Simpson's Movie last night too, since it was 100+ degrees and I couldn't stand the thought of mowing the over-long grass. The movie's cute, even funny in places but I admit to expecting more- something bigger & better than just an extended television episode. I already knew of course that Homer himself chides the audience for that exact irony- paying to watch something you can see on tv for free, but somehow I thought it might be better. If you already like the Simpsons, you will probably like the movie. If not, the movie won't make you a fan of the television show.
We did see No Reservations on Friday night. It’s a funny, touching and pleasant movie- a chick flick in other words. But, it stars Catherine Zeta Jones and that's enough reason for me to see a chick flick anytime. Its really a pretty good story. The characters are fun and believable and the entire story takes place in a few small blocks of New York City without giving me a Seinfeld rash. I'd recommend this one as a great date night movie.
I still owe some tales from our trip to the coast and I need to write a note to the grandkids to send with the fuzzy critters we picked out for them and tonight I must mow in spite of the temperature. Trash day's tomorrow and the clipping go into the trash can, so tonight's the night. I also have worked on the scooter's carburetor twice since the weekend, including a complete teardown last night. Its back to working- today, but my long term confidence in the carb's continued good behavior is pretty low.
I'm also reading a book, The Book of the Dead, just for fun with no requirement for a term paper or final exam. It’s a thrilling tale so far but I can't give away the ending because I haven't reached it yet! http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&endeca=1&isbn=0446618500&itm=41 It is nice to just sit and read in the shade again, just for fun.